Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pinky Floyd & Shelby aka Burt

Some of you know that Sunday, March 31, 2013, Easter Sunday in fact, our pug Pinky Floyd died. Pinky went blind a few months before our son Tino was born. We took her to the vet who confirmed she was blind and wanted to send her to a specialist. She was diagnosed with Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome (SARDS) which is an incurable disease in dogs causing sudden blindness. 

Although blind she did very well getting around our house. Saturday, March 30th she suddenly was not herself. She wasn’t getting around. She was very wobbly and she stopped eating and drinking. I planned to call and make her a vet appointment first thing Monday morning. However, that next morning, Easter morning, she still refused to eat and struggled to even stand. Ryan actually laid her in her bed and went to get a shower and when he came down she was gone. It was very quick and peaceful. We buried her in our backyard wrapped in a blanket and planted a garden with a blackberry bush over her. 

Her last year was a tough one. I have some regrets. And, I miss her.

Sadly, this upcoming Friday, September 27, 2013 we will be putting our pug Shelby to sleep. We made the decision yesterday and it’s not been an easy one.

I sent my family, mother, father and sister a long email laying it all out for them. I copied my husband on it as well. It stated what we are dealing with at home with her and her quality of life. I talked a lot about my feelings; frustrations and guilt at letting her go on like this. I was honest with them that with our without their support I’d made the decision that it was time to put her down. 

I sent a similar email to Shelby’s vet who confirmed that we’d done everything we could and that yes it does sound like it’s time. Dr. Flanagan at VCA Animal Hospital in Glasgow is amazing, professional and tenderhearted. He said to call and make an appointment for Friday.

I think after reading my email everyone finally understood that it’s time. I got a nice email back from my mom telling me she loves and supports me. My sister also sent me a nice text. My husband, Ryan, and I talked when I got home from work and he also agreed that it’s time.

Last night I was sitting at our computer and I was looking through old pictures of Shelby to share on facebook and it hit me that she is just not the dog she used to be. She doesn’t jump on my leg with her silly face and airplane ears perked for a treat. She doesn’t freak out and run all over the house and jump on the furniture and bark her high pitch bar. She doesn’t talk when it’s time of her dinner. She just struggles to walk and lies around. And because Tino doesn’t understand that she’s in a delicate state he’s not gentle with her. To protect her we keep her in the kitchen alone all the time. It’s such a sad life for her. After looking at her life two years or so ago and her life now I feel much better about this decision.

Also, Ryan made a great point that Tino’s still little and he’s such a busy body. He probably won’t even notice she’s gone. If we wait another six months or a year he might put two and two together and be sad. If I can spare him of that for now I will.

Friday will be a hard day. I’m taking the day off from work. I’m taking Tino to daycare. I’m going to give Shelby a bath and brush her well and maybe take her down to the park. She can do her best to walk around in the fresh air for some time. I might even make her something to eat, some table food she’s not normally allowed to have before we head up to the vet.

I’m praying for peaceful day Friday. Please keep me in your thoughts.

She loved to be outside!

Always had her tongue out!

Airplane ears perked up for a treat!

The tongue again!

Did you say food? This dog was ruled by her stomach!



Funny sitter!

The two best dogs ever! Having just one pug is like eating just one potato chip!

What a pair uh?

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